My adventures as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Federated States of Micronesia.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, after lots of setbacks in February, I’m now back at school! Finally! It’s definitely been a weird adjustment back to island life after the chaos of Bangkok (and all the modern amenities I was getting used to again!), but mostly I’m just relieved to be back.
Two years ago, my school received eight computers from a grant program, but was unable to turn them on. This year we FINALLY got them fixed AND got internet access at our school! I’m teaching a computer/keyboarding class for 8th graders in the afternoons. It requires lots of flexibility – we don’t always have electricity or internet access. Also, we have lots of unannounced half days. So we only end up having computer class about half the times that I actually schedule it. But at least it’s happening!
I only have a few more months of service to go. I’ll COS (“close of service”) in July or August (still working out the details), and in September I’ll start attending the Evans School  at the University of Washington! I’m so excited to live in Seattle after two years in the middle of nowhere!
Lots to look forward to this month. Easter week is basically the biggest event of the year on Pohnpei, and at the end of April we have our COS conference with PCVs from all the islands! I’ll try to post more regularly now that I have better internet access!


  1. While I've loved reading your blog every month or so, it will be great to have you home again!! I can't wait to hear all about your fun in person! Your kids will miss you there I'm sure :)

  2. Wonderful legend long long ago from our island there any way somebody from here can help me buy skirts originally from pohnpei please...
